
Human Mannequin


 HEYYYOOOO!!!!!... We know that I love all things old and old-timey... My friend shared with me a photo from a shoot he and his friends had... I LOVED the theme ('twas old hollywood like... maybe a mob movie)!!!!. It's clear a lot of thought had gone into the shoot, the outfits... Don't even get me started on the bearded young men and their hats or that elegant young lady in the middle... <3<3... It was all very reminiscent of a time I had not known but love. I've put together a few of their photos (with permission of course ) and inserted myself here and there (because why not)... Xx


Do you remember those romance novels everyone (apart from me surprisingly) read in high school?... Well in my head I could be a cover girl for one of them books in this outfit. "There was something sultry about the way her flowy skirt moved in wind..." would be a line from this book... lol... This bardot bodysuit and skirt accentuated my curves (without a lot of skin) and I let my hair out to move freely in the wind, giving off just the right amount of fiery and decency (For a more formal look I would ditch the nose ring and put my hair up in a bun or wear a hat... but that's not what I was going for)... Enjoyy!!!!



Hiya!!!!!!... I've been away for a bit choked with school work, hair work and just chilling in general but I'm back... Remember like two months ago I had faux extensions done, well I've taken them off now and I decided to share my experience rocking it, details on how to achieve them and how to make the most of it as a protective style...